Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Good Luck Getting Your New Moon Tickets

Robert Pattinson, New Moon Poster

The new Twilight movie doesn't open for two more months.

Oh, did we make that sound like a long time? What we meant was, "New Moon opens Nov. 20—GET YOUR TICKETS NOW!! HURRY!! HURRY!! AAAGGGHHH!!"

Not to cause a panic, but advance-ticket sellers are already reporting sold-out screenings for the obsessed-over sequel.

MovieTickets.com says more than a dozen of its show times have been picked clean. Fandango reports 50—50!—sell-outs, and says New Moon is its top-seller heading into this weekend. (E! Entertainment and Fandango are both owned by Comcast.)

Sorry to worry you if you don't have your tickets yet. We just thought you should know. So you can start worrying.


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