Thursday, September 24, 2009

Twilight: Eclipse Gets Summer 2010 Release Date

“New Moon”, the second of the “Twilight” movies, is scheduled to go into production very soon with Chris Weitz directing for a November 2009 release, but Summit Entertainment has already announced a June 30, 2010 release date for the third movie in the franchise, “Eclipse”. This isn’t really a surprise, as the first “Twilight” has racked up an impressive $189 million in the U.S. alone, with $174 million in overseas duckets. And we’re not even talking DVD sales yet.

The original cast from the first movie returns for the sequel. Robert Pattinson as Edward, Kristen Stewart as Bella and Taylor Lautner as Jacob. It was touch and go there for young Taylor Lautner, but Summit has since confirmed that he would indeed return as Jacob.

According to Variety, the script for “New Moon” has already been completed by Melissa Rosenberg, who is already at work on “Eclipse” as I type this, which means yes, Twilighters, parts two and three will be coming very soon to a theater near you, and you won’t even have to wait that long for part 3 once “New Moon” opens in November later this year. Lucky dogs.

Below: “So you come here often? And of course by often I mean climb up the length of a giant tree with a vampire that’s trying not to suck you dry.”

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