Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rob and Kristen Still in Control!

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart Jeff Kravitz/Getty Images

You may be seeing less and less Robsten lately, but those behind the Twilight scenes sure aren't. One of our very in-the-know sources dished to us that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are hardly being nonchalant about their feelings with each other.

"Everyone who wasn't directly involved in the whole situation obviously speculated about what was going on between them, but lately it's become clear to anyone who works with them—Rob and Kristen are very much together."

So how about their castmates? Are they behaving themselves and staying out of Robsten's way? Surely one name in particular comes to mind...

"Nikki Reed is out of the picture. She has been for a long time," sasses our Eclipse ears.

We've tried contacting Nikki's rep to see if all is still well in billionaire land with Paris Latsis, but have heard nada back. Was it something we said...or rather typed?

As for the rest of the cast, studio and crew, Rob and Kristen being together is still making people on the set just a tad nervous. No one likes to think about the "what if" possibility of Robsten going Splitsville. But everyone is going with it.

If Robsten continue to be low-key and maintains their privacy, we totally think this smooth-sailing relaysh will last. Don't you?

Oh, and as of now, Rob, Kristen and Taylor Lautner will be at the VMAs in person to present a new clip for New Moon—one with much more Rob in it, we're assured. Happy now, folks?


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